Safety at The Plant Cafe

At The Plant Cafe Organic the health and safety of both our customers and staff are a top priority. To ensure safety, below you will find the additional steps and precautions that we are taking for all who order with us.

Dine-In I Delivery I Takeout I Grocery I Meal Kits

We are open Monday - Friday from 10am - 8pm for Breakfast, Lunch, & Dinner

Dine inside or outdoor patio. Takeout/Walk-in pick-up is available at our Dogpatch cafe located at 2335 3rd Street (between 20th & 22nd)

Have your pre-ordered packages ready for you to pick up and go.

Safety / Production

Food safety is incredibly important, especially during this pandemic, and is our utmost concern. We have taken clear steps to ensure the safety of our staff as well as our customers during this time. We have closed all locations, with the exception of our Dogpatch cafe and commissary.  We are fortunate to have access to our large catering commissary production facility, which makes for a good environment to provide space for workers and extreme sanitary procedures. 

Safety protocols for food production are in place to maximize safety and clean food. 

For example:  

  • Our team will keep safe distance from one another and customers as much as possible (our facility makes this much easier than most restaurant kitchens based on large size and working space).

  • We also kindly ask that patrons keep 6ft a part from each other if waiting for food to be picked up/placing orders at our front entrance. Markings are placed in patron line areas to ensure 6ft social distancing. Please wear a face covering when coming to pick up food. Those who are outdoor dining during happy hour may remove face coverings while eating and drinking.

  • Plexiglass barrier has been placed between patrons and staff at point of payment.

  • Our small team will not work if there is any sign of illness, no matter how subtle.  All staff will have their temperature taken and recorded before each shift.  

  • A thorough cleansing of countertops and equipment will be regularly enacted with an effective germ and virus killing solution.  

  • All staff and customers are required to wear masks/face coverings at all times.

  • All staff will thoroughly wash hands with soap and water and wear gloves at all times after doing so. 

  • Glove changing will be implemented wherever necessary (after staff meals for example).  We have lots from our combined cafes. 

  • Key team members will be given specific tasks so there is less touching by less people, even with gloves.  

  • Freshly washed clothing will be put on after arrival at our production facility. 


Please share with your friends, co-workers, Facebook groups and anyone you think may be interested in access to organic food and groceries. During this unprecedented time, we wish to continue to support small and local businesses and supply chains wherever possible and we appreciate our customer's support. 

We kindly ask for your help in following these safety precautions. If there is anything we can do to make your experience more at ease, please let us know.
